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find your dream job

Jobs in the care sector, including aged and disability services, is Australia’s largest and fastest growing area of employment.


People who have real world caring experience know what it is like to help someone else and to put their needs ahead of their own. You could have gained this experience from raising a family, helping parents or grandparents or just being an exceptional neighbour or friend. Your learning from these experiences is invaluable when working in a care career.


The resources below have been gathered to help you make the next move in your care career.

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Employers across the Illawarra and South Coast are looking for passionate people like you to join their team.

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Access templates to update your cover letter and CV, as well as tips to make an great first impression with your job application.

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Congratulations on getting an interview! Here are some tips to help you stand out in the interview and get that job offer.

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The Pay and Conditions Tool is available to help you calculate how much you should be getting paid in the social and community services industry. 

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As an employee, you may be asked to complete some checks before starting the job. This pre-employment fact sheet is to help answer some questions you might have.

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Get to know local employers in our region and the services they provide to support the community in aged care, disability services, home care and more.


The Australian Government is supporting job seekers and employers to connect in a rapidly changing jobs market. Explore job opportunities below and access tools that can help you identify similar jobs matching your skills for a broader range of options.

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